Abortion Pills Not Safe

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The abortion industry and the Biden administration are claiming that medical abortions (using Mifepristone and Misoprostol) are safe and sometimes you will even hear that medical abortions (abortion pills) are as safe as taking Tylenol. Claims are also often made that serious complications are minimal. Nothing could be further from the truth.

While understating the risks of medical abortions, the abortion industry is downplaying the ability to reverse a medical abortion. If started in time, abortion pill reversal has been found to result in the birth of a healthy baby approximately 65% of the time.

Many Risks for the Woman

While medical abortions are obviously lethal to the unborn baby, they also carry many risks for the woman. Christa Brown, senior director of Medical Impact for Heartlbeat International states, “The abortion pill has four times the complications as surgical abortion and is a profit-driven commodity of the abortion industry,” she said. “Often dispensed by non-licensed personnel, this type of abortion requires no surgical suite, no sterilization of medical instruments, less medical staffing, and very little time per patient.”  There was a time when the FDA actually required a woman to see a doctor in person before obtaining the abortion pill.

Critical to be Seen by a Doctor

The American Association of Pro-Life OBGYN’S (AAPLOG) states that, “It is critical that a woman be seen in person before being given Mifepristone for an abortion for numerous reasons, including:

  1. So her doctor(s) will know her actual risks;
  2. Her doctor(s) will be able to rule out contraindications like ectopic pregnancies; and
  3. Her doctor(s) will be able to give her Rhogam if she is Rh negative.”

Recent Updates

The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals issued a decision on August 16, 2023, requiring the FDA to restore the safeguards it recently removed on the dangerous abortion pill that has killed dozens of women and injured thousands. Read the Life News article: Federal Appeals Court Stops Mail-Order Abortions.

In an August 18, 2023 article, Care Net’s National Medical Director, Dr. Sandy Christiansen, provides more detail on this ruling:

“The 5th Circuit Court decided that Mifepristone and its generic may remain on the market, but may only be used under the 2011 FDA-approved package labeling.

This means that Mifeprex (or the generic):

  • Approved for use up to 49 days (7 weeks) from the LMP
  • May only be prescribed by physicians IN PERSON
  • 3 office visits required
  • May NOT be prescribed via telehealth modalities
  • May NOT be sent through the mail, or picked up at pharmacies

In addition, it restores the ability of anyone to submit ALL adverse events to the FDA, not just when a woman dies.

BUT—all of these changes are on hold under the previous SCOTUS ruling, while the court waits to see if the FDA or Danco petitions the court for certiorari. Certiorari is a Latin legal term meaning “more fully informed.” It is used when a certain party wants a case to be heard by a higher court, usually SCOTUS.

It is highly likely that that is exactly what will happen in this case. It is expected that this holding pattern will last anywhere from months to more than a year. The wheels of justice move slowly.”

Related Articles

The following is a compilation of articles from various resources to help you understand the dangers of chemical abortions.

Doctor Confirms Abortion Pills Put Women at Risk (Be sure to watch the video embedded in this article)
Abortion Pill is Not Safe For Women
American Association of Pro-Life OBGYN’s Statement on Medical Abortions
19-Year Old Dies From Abortion Pill
Abortion Pill Online – Is it Safe?
Can the Abortion Pill be Reversed?
Abortion Pill Reversal

For more information about chemical abortion drugs and their dangers, visit abortiondrugfacts.com.

Learn more about what Right to Life of North Central Indiana does.

Read more pro-life education articles.

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