Thanks to the support of people like you, Right to Life of North Central Indiana was able to cover $150 of the $240 cost for students to attend the March for Life in Washington D.C. This year, we were able to send 41 students from Lakeland Christian Academy, 3 from...
Leah Masen Simply put, laws can change. If we want to sustain a culture that values the born and unborn, Hoosiers need to continue being involved in the pro-life movement in some capacity. We don’t just stop caring because Roe was overturned. Dobbs kick-started our...
WARSAW, IN January 3, 2025 — Right to Life of North Central Indiana welcomes Leah Masen as Youth Outreach Coordinator. This position will help the organization expand its efforts to encourage and equip high school and college students to stand for life in the...
One of the major points of controversy in the abortion debate is whether or not the fetus is a human being and whether or not the fetus is a person with equal rights under the law. For those who don’t believe that a fetus is a human/person, there is nothing morally...
Defining The Term Oxford Languages defines the term, abortion, as “the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy”. What this definition fails to mention is that the termination of a pregnancy is also the termination of a human life– the life of the child developing...