The March Continues…

The March Continues…

Thanks to the support of people like you, Right to Life of North Central Indiana was able to cover $150 of the $240 cost for students to attend the March for Life in Washington D.C. This year, we were able to send 41 students from Lakeland Christian Academy, 3 from...
Is a Fetus a Human/Person?

Is a Fetus a Human/Person?

One of the major points of controversy in the abortion debate is whether or not the fetus is a human being and whether or not the fetus is a person with equal rights under the law. For those who don’t believe that a fetus is a human/person, there is nothing morally...
What Is Abortion?

What Is Abortion?

Defining The Term Oxford Languages defines the term, abortion, as “the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy”. What this definition fails to mention is that the termination of a pregnancy is also the termination of a human life– the life of the child developing...

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