Can the Abortion Pill be Reversed? Pro-life Education

The simple answer is yes! If done in time.

Chemical abortions continue to increase as some states restrict abortion and the ability to order abortion pills online expands. The abortion industry continues to spread misinformation about the success of abortion pill reversal (APR) which can save the unborn baby’s life even after the woman has taken the first pill in the two-pill process. In fact the success rate is somewhere between 60 and 70%.

There is an effective process called abortion pill reversal that can reverse the effects of the abortion pill and allow women to continue pregnancy, but time is of the essence.

The abortion pill is the common name for a chemical abortion process that combines two medications. It is also referred to as medical abortion, self-managed abortion, or DIY abortion. After taking the first pill (mifepristone), some women regret their choice and want to reverse it. That’s where abortion pill reversal comes in.

For those seeking to reverse the effects of the abortion pill (also known as a chemical abortion or a medical abortion), the goal is to start the protocol within 24 hours of taking the first abortion pill, mifepristone, or RU-486. However, there have been many successful reversals when treatment was started within 72 hours of taking the first abortion pill.

Even if 72 hours have passed, call the Abortion Pill Reversal hotline 877.558.0333. It may not be too late.

An ultrasound will be done as soon as possible to confirm heart rate, placement, and dating of the pregnancy. The doctor or another medical provider will prescribe progesterone, given as a pill to be taken orally or vaginally or possibly by intramuscular injection. The treatment will usually continue through the first trimester of pregnancy

Using the natural hormone progesterone, medical professionals have been able to save 64-68% of pregnancies through abortion pill reversal.

Abortion Pill Reversal
24/7 Helpline: 877-558-0333

Here is some information that will help clarify what Abortion Pill Reversal is and some of the issues related to the abortion pill.

Abortion Pill Reversal Website Page
National Right to Life APR Information Page
Abortion Industry Lies Regarding APR
FDA Lawsuit and Risks of the Abortion Pill (Notice the yellow highlighted sections we
have added).

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