Leah Masen Simply put, laws can change. If we want to sustain a culture that values the born and unborn, Hoosiers need to continue being involved in the pro-life movement in some capacity. We don’t just stop caring because Roe was overturned. Dobbs kick-started our...
Assisted suicide is a broad term used to describe a suicide effected with the assistance of another person. Physician-assisted suicide (also known as Medical aid in dying) refers to a physician prescribing lethal medication to a patient to self-administer. Euthanasia...
An anomaly is something out of the ordinary, or different than expected. A lethal fetal anomaly is defined as a “fatal condition diagnosed before birth that, if the pregnancy results in a live birth, will with reasonable certainty result in the death of the child not...
Perinatal hospice is comprehensive care and support given to pregnant women and families when their preborn child is diagnosed with a condition that will likely be fatal prior to birth or shortly after. Perinatal hospice is a compassionate and life-affirming...
Source: CNN Map Color KeyRed: BannedYellow: Legal with Gestational Limit of 6-18 WeeksGreen: Legal As of June 2024, 14 U.S. States have banned abortion: Alabama Arkansas Idaho Indiana Kentucky Louisiana Mississippi Missouri North Dakota Oklahoma South Dakota Tennessee...
The Indiana Department of Health released its Terminated Pregnancies Report for the 4th quarter of 2023. Twenty women reported complications in the fourth quarter, with the majority involving chemical abortions and retained parts. The newest data released by the...