Encouraging Young People to Stand for Life

Right to Life of North Central Indiana (RTL of NCI) has made it a goal for many years to encourage and train young people to stand for life. In our society today young people are inundated by pro-abortion organizations like Planned Parenthood with the ideas that abortion is cool, health care for women, and a women’s rights issue.

RTL of NCI encourages and assists Students for Life groups on college and high school campuses in our region. Since 2016 we have helped high school students travel to, and participate in, the National Pro-Life Rally and March for Life in Washington, D.C. each January. The Rally memorializes the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision that brought legalized abortion on demand to the U.S. back in 1973. We are thankful that Roe v. Wade has been overturned, but the fact is still that Roe has led to the killing of over 65 million unborn babies and negatively affected millions of women and men.

The best part about the March is the positivity and importance of faith, even though we all don’t believe the exact same thing, we are all striving for the same goal, making abortion unthinkable.”

-Student Attendee

“Outside of my salvation experience, this was the most impactful experience I’ve ever had!” (paraphrased) – Student from 2022 Trip

“After seeing all these people, I don’t feel so alone anymore as a pro-lifer.” (paraphrased) – Student from 2022 Trip

For years, RTL of NCI also has hosted workshop events to train young people to confidently and intelligently make the case for life. This effort has transitioned into holding our first Life Guardians Training workshop day in October of 2022. This event, with nationally recognized workshop presenters, was very well received by the high school and college students who attended.

A quote from one of the Life Guardians Training attendees:

“The Life Guardians training was simultaneously the most efficient and most comprehensive pro-life apologetics course I could have had the pleasure to attend. Mike and Peter took an incredibly complex issue, steeped in controversy and (sometimes) malice, and equipped us to lovingly engage those on the other side of the fight. Yes, the prolife movement is a battle that our generation is bravely fighting, but as Antonin Scalia said, “I attack ideas. I don’t attack people.”

-Jazzmyne Swenson (Grace College student and Students for Life President at Grace College)

We’re excited to be planning our second Life Guardians Pro-life Training for Saturday, February 17, 2024 at the HUB in Winona Lake. This event will be a much more expanded version of the 2023 event.

Find out more about what Right to Life of North Central Indiana is and does.

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