Pro-Life T-Shirt Day is Tuesday, April 27, 2021.  High School and College students are encouraged to wear a shirt with a pro-life message to school that day.  Right to Life of North Central Indiana wants to encourage students from our 8-county region to participate.

If you live in Kosciusko, Whitley, Fulton, Wabash, Grant, Miami, Cass, or Marshall Counties, and turn in a receipt for a pro-life t-shirt, we will reimburse you up to $10 for the cost of the shirt.

We’re also providing a free booklet with pro-life information and pregnancy center resources that will be helpful for educating your friends about pro-life issues. We’ll also include a Precious Feet pin.

Just email a copy of your pro-life t-shirt receipt (include your name and address in the email) to no later than April 20th. We’ll also include you in a drawing for a $100 VISA card.

Below are some links to shirts with pro-life messages (you are not limited to one of these sources).

This is the link to Stand True (National Pro-Life T-Shirt Day sponsor):

Any questions, email us at



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