New Logo, Same Mission.

For over 25 years the mother and baby graphic has been a part of Right to Life of North Central Indiana’s (RTL of NCI) logo.


Right to Life of North Central Indiana

The Right to Life board has worked with Choose Life Marketing over the past six months to design a new logo.


NCI4Life Pro-life logo

Protecting the unborn and helping their mothers is and will still be one of RTL of NCI’s primary goals. But, the need for the right-to-life movement is becoming more than just about the unborn and their mothers. The life issue affects every generation, from the youngest to the oldest. This logo redesign represents three generations, three human beings embracing one another for support and protection.

Also, as you can see from our Mission Statement, we believe it’s important to be partnering with and supporting organizations that complement RTL of NCI’s mission.

Right to Life of North Central Indiana Mission Statement

Serve, support and strengthen our communities and local life-affirming organizations for the purpose of promoting the dignity and sanctity of human life through education, fundraising, outreach and collaboration.

So, using two examples, the new logo can also represent our efforts to partner with and support pregnancy centers with the outside ring being RTL, the middle ring being the pregnancy centers and the third ring representing the women and men the Pregnancy Centers serve. The same can be said for our partnership with Deeper Still of Northern Indiana with the middle ring being Deeper Still and the third ring being the women and men who’ve experienced abortion.

RTL is also changing to this modern and minimalist design to appeal to a younger demographic who are bombarded with pro-abortion propaganda on a daily basis. The upcoming generations will be the ones to shape the future of the pro-life movement, our goal is to reach them with the truth so they can join the fight to protect the right to life for all ages.

See more pro-life local news articles from Right to Life of North Central Indiana.

Find out more about what Right to Life of North Central Indiana does for the pro-life effort.

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