Spreading the Pro-life Message to 100,000 People a Day
Every day, thousands of North Central Indiana residents travel the roads and highways of our region. Through billboards, RTL of NCI is exposing each one of them to the pro-life message, reminding them of the importance of respecting and protecting all human life (born and unborn). Based on statistics from each one of the billboard companies we work with, over 100,000 vehicles will pass by at least one pro-life billboard in North Central Indiana every day. We will never know how many of those vehicles carried a young woman who has just found out she is pregnant and considering abortion. Or, maybe it’s a family member or boyfriend who could be encouraging, or even pressuring, her to have an abortion and a pro-life billboard message changes their mind.
RTL of NCI has also partnered with pregnancy centers in our region to promote their services through billboards.