Students for Life Resource Page

Students For Life Resource Page

Welcome to the Student Resource Page: your one-stop spot for help starting up or maintaining your Students For Life group. Leading a pro-life group at your school can be overwhelming. This page is a resource to give you ideas & inspire you as a student leader.

On this page, you can find:

  • A meeting agenda template printable & sample meeting agenda
  • Lists of Icebreaker/Game Ideas, Meeting Topic Ideas, & Event Ideas
  • Tips for Starting a Group & Setting Up Social Media
  • & more!

What is Students For Life?

Students For Life is a national pro-life advocacy organization with regional chapters all across The United States. Student groups exist on many middle, high school, college, university, medical, and law school campuses in all 50 states! Visit the Students For Life website to learn more about who they are & what they believe and do.

What is a Students For Life group?

A Students For Life (SFL) group is typically a group of high school or college students who join together to advocate for a common cause: to protect all human life from the moment of conception!

The primary goals of a SFL group are to connect like-minded students and foster pro-life community, spread awareness in the student body and surrounding community about abortion and its consequences, serve pregnant moms and families in your community, and educate students on various aspects of the life movement so they can take an educated stand for LIFE.

The club typically holds regular meetings once every week or every two weeks, depending on the size and availability of the group. Special events are usually hosted once or twice per month.

How to start and Students for Life group

How do I start a Students For Life group at my school?

So glad you asked! If your school doesn’t have a Students For Life group yet, YOU can take the initiative to start one. Read our “5 Tips for Starting A Students for Life Group” infographic to learn what your next steps are.

FYI- You are never alone in this process! Our team at Right to Life would be happy to help you start up a group. Scroll to the bottom of the page to find our contact information!

Visit the Students For Life official website to learn more about starting up a group.

How to start and Students for Life group
Students for Life customizable agenda

What does a typical meeting look like?

A Students For Life meeting can typically last anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour, depending on your school & what you work out with your administrators (if you are holding your meetings during school hours). Here’s a sample Students For Life Meeting template. You can print out this customizable template to help plan your meetings.

How to start and Students for Life group

How can I promote the group & get students involved?

 When starting up a Students For Life group on campus, you want to be sure to promote it well to ensure that every student:

  • Knows you exist!
  • Knows what your group is up to and how they can get involved

One of the best ways to promote the group is through social media! Almost everyone in the age group you’re trying to reach has an Instagram account by now, so utilize this tool to promote your club and advertise meeting/event dates.

Check out this guide to setting up an Instagram account for your group.

Another way to promote the group is through school announcements or newsletters. If you are in high school or middle school, ask your administration if you can announce club meeting dates or events during the morning announcements over the PA system.

Then, there’s always the old-fashioned method: paper flyers! Use Canva or another digital design software to draw up a quick flyer for your next meeting or event & hang it up around your school hallways or college campus!

P.S. Make sure to get permission from your school (whether that’s a Student Affairs coordinator or other administrator) before hanging up or handing out flyers!

Be creative & tailor your advertisements to your school’s primary mode of communicating with students about upcoming events. Maybe that’s an email newsletter that goes out weekly to students or a bulletin board in a high-traffic hallway.

I’ve run out of ideas for meeting topics. Help!

If you’ve been running your group for awhile and need some fresh ideas for the regular meetings, check out this list of Meeting Topic Ideas. This list is definitely not exhaustive, but it may help you brainstorm some other ideas that you hadn’t thought of before.

The list will also be updated with 3 NEW TOPICS per month! So, check out this page regularly to gather some fresh ideas for each month’s meetings.

Meeting Topic Ideas

Here are a few more resources to get you started in planning your first few meetings.

Icebreaker Game/Activity Ideas

Special Event Ideas

Prayer Prompts & Scripture Verses

YOU are making such a difference in your school, community, and generation. We are so proud of all your hard work & dedication to this cause and are cheering you on as you embark on this journey into pro-life leadership.

You wanna know the best news? You are NEVER ALONE in starting up or running a Students For Life group at your school!

At Right to Life of North Central Indiana, we are here to help you every step of the way. We want you to feel supported and equipped as you advocate for life in your school and encourage students to stand up and speak out for the voiceless.

Whether you need snacks provided for a meeting or someone to help you plan your next event, we’ve got you covered!

Email Leah at with any questions or to set up a meeting!


Leah Masen Pro-life Students


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