Vote Pro-life

From a pro-life perspective, the upcoming election on November 5 is one of the most important in history. The Democratic party, led by current Vice President Kamala Harris, has made abortion their platform’s primary issue, championing the fight for “reproductive rights” and abortion access through all 9 months of pregnancy for any reason.

This graphic provides a summary of each presidential candidate’s abortion policies:

See a pro-life comparison of presidential candidates.

In the state of Indiana, the gubernatorial race, as well as the race for Attorney General, are vitally important for the protection of unborn life. Indiana Right to Life has endorsed Mike Braun for Governor of Indiana and Todd Rokita for Attorney General. Democratic gubernatorial candidate, Jennifer McCormick, will make abortion access a top priority if elected. She will appoint pro-abortion agency heads and direct agencies, such as the Department of Health, to do everything within its power (and budget) to promote abortion and block enforcement of Indiana’s law. She will also have a strict litmus test of only appointing pro-abortion judges.

According to recent statistics released by George Barna, 41 million Christians are expected to NOT vote in this election. The statistics revealed that 68% reported that they weren’t interested in politics, 57% replied that they dislike both political candidates, and 52% believe their vote won’t make a difference.

To those uninterested in politics:

In the words of Christian conservative political commentator, Allie Beth Stuckey: “Politics matter because policy matters because people matter.” Christians should care about and participate in politics because of the way that elected leaders and their policies affect real people. Christians face a real responsibility to do everything in our power to raise up leaders who will protect the most vulnerable members of society, including the unborn. It is our moral duty to advocate for leaders that promote justice and punish lawlessness and evil. A leader that joyfully promotes the murder of unborn babies is a danger to all, and Christians have a responsibility to act in accordance with their beliefs that all human life is sacred because it is made in the image of God.

Read this article written by Family Research Council President, Tony Perkins, and Pastor Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel in Chino Hills, California for further insight.

To those who dislike both political candidates:

A popular sentiment among Christians is that they can’t support one presidential candidate or the other due to convictions about that candidate’s personality or moral history. When it comes to an election, we must vote based on policy, not on personality. We must ask ourselves, “Which candidate will enact policies that bring about the most good for the most people?” Neither Donald Trump nor Kamala Harris are as pro-life as many of us would hope. Neither candidate desires that abortion would be completely outlawed or unthinkable. But, Kamala Harris, and the administration that supports her, is radically pro-abortion. The policies she supports would lead to devastating consequences for unborn children and their mothers in this country. Donald Trump, on the other hand, could be persuaded towards policy that protects innocent unborn life, and has a higher likelihood of being surrounded by pro-lifers than would Harris. He also supports some limits on late-term abortion, opposes tax-payer funded abortion, supports the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, and pledges to nominate Supreme Court justices that rely on the Constitution. Trump would push for abortion to remain a state issue, while Harris would seek to reinstate Roe v. Wade as the law of the land. Under Trump’s administration, it is highly probable that less unborn children would lose their lives to abortion.

As previously stated, Christians have a moral responsibility to raise up a leader that would do more good than harm. While neither candidate is perfect, there is a clear choice.

To those who believe their vote won’t make a difference:

Many unfortunately believe that their vote won’t make a difference in the election, so it’s not worth their time. Elections can be, and have historically been, influenced by small numbers of votes. The 41 million Christians not expected to vote are a significant percentage of our country’s voters. Especially in state and local races, your vote matters. The results of this election will directly impact your life, and the lives of the most vulnerable in your community. We must use our voice to speak for those who don’t have one: the unborn. This Washington Stand article proves that every vote counts.

Your voice is vital in this year’s election for the safety and protection of the unborn and their mothers. If you are unsure of which candidates (national and state) support pro-life policies, Indiana Right to Life has prepared Voter Education Resources to help you make an informed voting decision. These resources include candidate endorsements, presidential candidate comparisons, and information about the judges appearing on the ballot. For information about local races in your county, email the Right to Life office:

Please VOTE PRO-LIFE and encourage your friends and family members to do the same!

Speak up for those who can’t speak for themselves. Speak up for the rights of all who are poor. Proverbs 31:8

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