Right to Life of North Central Indiana held its annual fall Legacy of Life Banquet on September 23, 2024 at the Manahan Orthopaedic Capital Center on the Grace College campus in Winona Lake. Approximately 550 guests attended and heard keynote speaker, Scott Klusendorf who kept the crowd’s attention while sharing how to speak up for the unborn. Roger Grossman, voice of Tiger Sports, was the emcee. The dinner was catered by Our Father’s House and guests enjoyed Nothing But Truffles, truffle balls for dessert. Right to Life Executive Director, Dave Koontz gave an update on what has been happening in the North Central Indiana pro-life efforts.
Darlene Edgecomb and Max and Linda Zimmerman were honored with Mary Louise Lowe Pro-Life awards for their decades of pro-life service. Brenda Whitehead, Heartline Pregnancy Center Executive Director, gave an update on Heartline’s ministry and the recent growth.
Over $70,000 was raised in donations and pledges. If you weren’t able to attend the banquet and would like to donate, donations or monthly commitments can be made at www.nci4life.org/donate2024banquet
Donations will be used to expand youth outreach, increase billboard messaging, and financially support pregnancy resource centers. More detailed information regarding the announced goals can be found on our Pro-life Banquet Fundraising Goals Sheet.
We are grateful for every sponsor, table host, speaker, donor, guest, and volunteer who made the banquet a success.
Pro-life Banquet Sponsors
Diamond Sponsors
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors
Bronze Sponsors
Find out what else Right to Life of North Central Indiana is doing to preserve life.